Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Freebie for writers: Time management tips

Here's a freebie for you writers. It's the fun handout I used at one of my recent writer workshops on time management for creative  types who are often distracted by was that the phone who is that person I needed to email where is that doggone file.

You get the idea, right?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

So if a holiday falls in a government shutdown, does it make a sound?

Wow! Tomorrow is Columbus Day. Does that mean the government is closed for the day or still just shutdown? Or does it just mean that federal employees and programs and the customers of those programs are still being cheated? Yeah, I'll go with door number three, Monty.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Thank you, Congress and our delightful two-party system.

Thank you, Congress and our delightful two-party system. You refuse to play nice together and this is what happens. I went to get statistics today for an article I'm writing and this is what I saw.

I am personally ready to say that I don't think I should have to pay income tax if they can't even decide and tell me where the money is going. And I don't think Congress should be allowed to go home until they've finished their homework.
The incumbents who are not 'making nice' will get a "negative performance evaluation" from me the next time I walk into a voting booth.
Sorry. I'm not usually political, but I feel much better for having gotten this off my chest.